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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Vision and Values


At St Nicholas C of E Primary School our school vision is to “Dream Big Shine Bright”. Our vision is rooted in the Bible and is inspired by both Mathew's Gospel and the story of Joseph from The Book of Genesis.


 “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven,

Matthew 5:16.


Our learners have ‘big dreams’ and we encourage them to pursue and realise these dreams. We nurture learners that feel inspired and motivated to ‘shine bright’ in God’s world by making positive contributions to their immediate, local and global community.


Our school values are rooted in the Christian virtues shown below. By living out our Christian virtues, we are "shining brightly" and following the example that Christ has set for us. We explore and reflect on these virtues during collective worship as they are woven into the worship program throughout the year.  We celebrate and recognise these virtues through our fortnightly "Dream Big, Shine Bright" awards. 



St Nicholas Church

We have strong links with St Nicholas Church where we visit regularly. The minister team at St Nicholas are very much a part of our school community. They support us to develop spirituality across the school by leading worship, supporting prayer spaces and enhancing the Christian elements of our RE curriculum.

What Our Children Say about St Nicholas Church


"We go to church to show we love God. We learn about how God cares about us and how we can care about God."