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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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Apps, Websites and Forms for parents

Our Communications App - Studybugs


We use Studybugs which you can either download on your phone or register on the Studybugs Website.  It is an efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence from school. All parent communications are also sent via Studybugs.  



Our Payment App - ParentPay


We use ParentPay for payments to the school for school dinners and school trips. We will also ask you to give consent for school trips on ParentPay.  


We are unable to accept cash or cheques in the Office, so it is vital that you activate your ParentPay account. 




How to Get Started with ParentPay


The office will send your account activation details, once you receive these:


  • Enter your Activation username and password in the Account Login section of the homepage. NB. These are for one-time use only, please choose your own username and password for future access during the activation process
  • Provide all the necessary information and choose your new username and password for your account - registering your email address will enable us to send you receipts and reminders
  • Once activation is complete you can go to straight to Items for payment, select which item(s) you want to add to your basket and proceed to complete your payment


If you haven't received your activation codes please contact the office.

Our Activity Club and Wraparound Care booking system


Payments for wraparound care can be booked and paid on our Childcare Online Booking page. We are unable to accept cash or cheques in the Office, and we cannot accept bookings for any of our clubs over the phone or via email, so it is vital that you register for an account. 


Link to Childcare online booking for St Nicholas C of E Primary School

Our secure data App - SIMS App


Our secure data app records all confidential data on pupils and parents. You can use the SIMS App on your phone to check all the information that we hold about you child is correct and to advise us if you move house, have a new phone number, or your child has developed allergies.  Please ensure that you have also completed the consents section to ensure we know whether you are happy for your childs image to be used in school displays, school newsletters etc. The office will send you an activation code and password to enable you to login to the SIMS App.  If you haven't received this please contact the office.