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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Year 2

Meet the Team


  • Mrs O'Hanlon teaches in 2O    
  • Mr Woodcock teaches in 2W

Spring 1 Timetable


TuesdayPE (Wear sports kit)



2W and 2O - Sport and Music (Wear sports kit)




Spring 2 Timetable


TuesdayPE (Wear sports kit)



2W - Forest School (Wear PPA Kit. Wellies and waterproofs should already be in school for Opal play) 

2O - Spanish and Swimming (Wear PPA kit and bring swimming kit)



For more information about the different kits the children need please see our Uniform page.

Introduction to Year Two


In Year 2, we work hard to become independent, curious learners with kind hearts. We rise to learning challenges because we know that making mistakes grow our brains. We take pride in our work and develop strategies to be reflective and resilient learners. We enjoy a hands on, investigative approach to learning. We embrace opportunities for awe and wonder. 

In Year 2, we try our best to dream big and shine bright every day!