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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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Year 5

Meet the Team


5W - Mrs. Woodcock and Mrs. Devereux 
5G - Mrs. Godson  

Mrs. McAdam, Mrs Hadley, Miss Finn and Mrs Sallis

Spring 1 Timetable



Planner check - x3 signature for reading

Mymaths homework set at the start of the term.

TuesdayLibrary visit (every other week)

5W - Forest School (Wear sports kit. Wellies and waterproofs should be in school for Opal play).

5G - Spanish and Swimming (Wear PPA Kit and bring swimming kit)


 PE (Wear PE Kit)


Spring 2 Timetable



Planner check - x3 signature for reading

Mymaths homework set at the start of the Spring 2.  

TuesdayLibrary visit (every other week)

5W and 5G - Sport and Music (Wear sports Kit)


 PE (Wear PE Kit)


For more information about the different kits the children need please see our Uniform page.

Introduction to Year Five


In Year 5, students are given the chance to build greater independence and grow more self-confident when learning. They are motivated to take ownership of their educational journey and manage their own responsibilities. This year, they are inspired to adopt a positive mindset, nurture resilience, and embrace challenges with a "can-do" approach. Pupils are also encouraged to showcase a range of abilities and attributes, including perseverance, resourcefulness, teamwork, and the ability to reflect on their experiences.


Our main Year 5 topics include:

  • Ancient Maya / Mountains

  • Anglo Saxons / Volcanoes

  • Vikings / European Region


We have the opportunity to visit Cadbury World in the Autumn term, to enhance our knowledge of the Mayan civilisation (and of course taste some tempting chocolate).


We also have an Viking experience in the Summer term where a 'Viking' visits St Nicholas. The children spend the day fully immersed in the Viking way of life, having the opportunity to handle items and hear traditional stories.