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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Pupil Voice

Pupil voice 2023/2024 - completed in Spring term


This year the children have completed a pupil questionnaire as part of a whole class activity during PSHE. This is an online questionnaire that staff talk through with the children.


The questions asked, centre around the children's wellbeing, learning behaviours and opinions of school as well as their relationships with staff and peers.


All children had the opportunity to share further information, thoughts, feelings and opinions about their responses to each question.


Following the completion of the questionnaire, the data is analysed and, where possible, compared with the previous year.


This supports our next steps ensuring that pupil voice is taken seriously and we can act upon the children's feedback.


Next steps for this year...

- Continue to develop Mental Health Champions and develop their role at break and lunch time

- Sports leads training for break and lunchtime support with their peers

- Develop whole class reward for following expectations at break and Lunch time e.g. OPAL award to ensure that the children understand that we are rewarding great choices outside too

- Gauge our children's understanding around falling out with friends and bullying, remind of the STOP (several times on purpose) acronym and remind children of support processes in place

- continue to embed Lyfta and introduce to more curriculum areas

Data from Pupil voice

Sound bytes from our children


How does St Nicholas encourage you to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally?

“teachers treat everyone the same, adults act as role models"

"specific lessons on areas such as bullying"

"Black and British unit where we talked about equality"

"assemblies, Lyfta and Black History month"

"In jigsaw, we know to be respectful and to listen to everyone and respect their views"


How do you keep yourself safe online?

“We learn about online safety - online safety day, childline, police, how to report and to tell an adult if we are worried"

"report and block"

"don't give away your information or use other people's accounts"

"only search for safe things, tell a grown up if you see a bad video"

"use apps that are age appropriate, check with parents before downloading a game"

"only be friends with people you really know, don't reply to strangers"

"tell an adult if we see something we shouldn't"


What makes you feel safe at school?

“I know there is always a trusted adult I can talk to,” -Yr5 pupil.

“Everyone is here to help me,” Yr3 pupil.

“The adults in school and my friends make me feel safe,” Yr1 pupil.

“I can go to the teachers,” Reception pupil.

“The teachers look after me,” Reception pupil.

"School provide food for those who are less fortunate." Year 6 pupil


How would you let an adult know if you needed to talk to them?

“I would just talk to them,” -Yr5 pupil.

"write a note or use the Chatterbox." - year 3 pupil

"I could ask an adult, wait behind to see them or leave a note."


Why do you enjoy learning at this school?

“We use resources to help us,” Yr2 pupil.

“We have kind teachers who know us and know what we need,” Yr6 pupil.

“I like Science because we do lots of investigations,” Yr1 pupil.

“Our lessons are fun and we have really nice teachers,” Yr4 pupil.

“Reading is encouraged so it helps our imagination,” Yr5 pupil.

"We get to do Forest school and trips." year 4 pupil

"Teachers encourage us to do new things." - year 2 pupil

"Kind teachers who know you and what you need."

" We learn to write, like to read, have good gadgets and we can get a good job when we're older."


How does St. Nicholas encourage you to be independent and to take on responsibilities?

“We use 3B4ME, use resources and we use the working walls,” Yr4 pupil.

“We have House Captains, Year 6 jobs, Leading Lights and Bench Monitors,” Yr6 pupil.

“We have Librarians, a Science Committee, School Councillors and Girl Power!” Yr5 pupil.

“We use 3B4ME!” Yr3 pupil.


Why would you recommend St Nicholas to your friends?

“There is a lot of encouragement to be secondary ready,” Yr6 pupil.

“We have lots to play with at play times. I like OPAL play. We have a mud cafe, scooters, a trim trail and gym equipment,” Yr3 pupil.

“We do lots of fun activities,” Reception pupil.

“The teachers are really helpful,” Yr1 pupil.

"always something to do - no time to be bored - extension activities"

"if you need things to help you learn, we get them - like writing slopes, wiggle cushions and over lays"

"we can all play together"

"we have OPAL, mud cafe, swimming pool, kind staff, Bug the dog, chess club, Forest school, spanish, sport, good raneg of lessons, great opportunities for after school clubs"

"Everyone is friendly and kind"


How do you know your teacher is pleased with your work?

“Teachers tell you!"

" Teachers smile at pupils"

" Adults tell us we've done a good job"

" Reading badges, Golden tickets, stampers, tick on our LI, we get high 5s, sticker in our books, house p points, raffle tickets, compliments, praise, Dream Big Shine Bright"

"They put my work under the vizualiser."

" Put my work on the wall as a WAGOLL, read work out to give others ideas."


How does St Nicholas encourage you to look after your emotional and mental health?

“PSHE, Jigsaw, Thrive, mental health lessons."

" We are allowed resources like bite blocks and cushions."

"we have Mental Health Champions"

"counselling, seeing Camilla and people like Jo Sparrow"

"Finger breathing, Mantel health chats, talking about colours of emotions"

"network hands, calm breathing in our planner"

"calm corner to help self regulate, chatter box, team work skills in PE"