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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Year 3

Meet the Team


  • 3H - Mrs. Hartley 
  • 3L - Mrs Lappin and Mrs Davies 

Autumn 1 Timetable



3H - Forest School (Wear PPA kit. Wellies and Waterproofs will be in school for Opal play).

3L - Swimming and Spanish (Wear sports kit and bring swimming kit)


PE - Wear PPA kit.

Planner Check. House points given for reading at home. 


Autumn 2 Timetable


Thursday3H and 3L - Sport and Music (Wear sports Kit)

PE - Wear PPA kit.

Planner Check. House points given for reading at home. 


For more information about the different kits the children need please see our Uniform page.

Introduction to Year Three


In Year 3, children are encouraged to work more independently, to develop their organisational skills and to have confidence in their own abilities. Children are encouraged to develop their growth mindset and resilience, remembering the importance of the phrase 'I can't do it yet!'  Children are encouraged to demonstrate a variety of skills and qualities, such as perseverance, resourcefulness, collaboration and reflectiveness.


Our main Year 3 topics include:

  • Stone Age 

  • Extreme Survival

  • Ancient Egypt


We have the opportunity to visit the Heart of England forest for a day each term, to enhance our learning through the outdoor environment.