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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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SEND Offer

The Government introduced a change to the law from September 2014 which led to changes to our provision for children with Special Educational Needs (SEND).


The changes place more emphasis on creating a system that has greater input from parents and is a more family centred approach. Our policies and procedures have fully adopted these changes.


The SEND Information Report has been produced in consultation with parents and is there to provide an anonymous account of what has been delivered to support children with SEND and their families. This is reviewed regularly.


Our SEND policy is reviewed and updated annually to be in line with the current legislation and to reflect the excellent practice at our school. Please contact the SENDCo, Mrs Hannah Allen if you have any questions or concerns regarding SEND provision at St Nicholas C of E Primary School.


Warwickshire’s Local Offer


Warwickshire SENDAR


Warwickshire’s Family Information Service 


Children’s services Speech and Language Therapy



Bereavement Service


Lifespace Trust


Educational Psychology Service