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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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Wellbeing Warriors

What are Wellbeing Warriors


Wellbeing Warriors are a group of children who all believe that the wellbeing of every person is fundamental to their happiness and a positive mental health. Children applied for the role by explaining why they wanted to be a Wellbeing Warrior and outlining what qualities they would bring to the role.


What is the Wellbeing Warrior's Role?


  • To promote ways to develop positive wellbeing.

  • To attend meetings who is our Mental Health and Wellbeing lead.

  • Organise and lead mindfulness activities during lunchtimes.

  • To lead wellbeing assemblies.

  • Share advice and tips on wellbeing. 


Many of our Year 5 children have signed up to be Wellbeing Warriors. Their aim is to organise and deliver a range of mindful activities to do with the children at lunchtimes. They have been really busy gathering resources and thinking of their own ideas including: crochet, watercolour painting, making bracelets, playing with fidget toys and some days they even set up a music area for singing and dancing. They are doing an amazing job as Wellbeing Warriors and the children are absolutely loving it!