Outdoor Thrive
The ethos of Outdoor Thrive is based on a fundamental respect for children and young people and for their capacity to instigate, test and maintain curiosity in the world around them. It believes in a child's right to play and to follow their own interests in the natural world.
Children are given the chance to take perceived risks appropriate to their individual level of development. It also allows them an opportunity to experience a healthy range of emotions, through all the challenges of social interaction, to build a resilience that will enable continued and creative engagement with their peers and their potential.
We are delighted to be able to offer this programme throughout the school, with half term blocks for all children from Reception, right through to Year 6. This enables the children to spark and develop their interest in the natural world around them as their skills and curiosity grows.
Children make close links with nature and art, using their journal to log their experiences and learning highlights from their sessions.
The children all engage well in their experiences in Outdoor Thrive and we receive very positive feedback from everyone involved.