Home Learning
Support from our children's families is vital to the success and engagement children demonstrate in school. All children will be set homework to complete at home.
Work at home will be set for each year group. The key focus is on reading and mathematics.
Remember - your child's planner has lots of useful pages to support your child's learning at home.
Your child's planner is designed to help communication between home and school. It will be used to record weekly information and any messages. When you have competed reading or any extra work at home, let us know with a quick note in the planner.
Work at Home for Reception
- Children will have a set of key words to learn, these will be tested at intervals over each term.
- Children will also have weekly phonemes stuck into their planners that you can practise at home.
- We encourage all children to read as much as they possibly can, this includes sharing a book at bedtime. Children will bring home a reading book linked to their phonics lessons. Please try to read at least 3 times each week.
- Pop a note in the planner to say that you have read, practised phonics and any additional home learning you and your children have completed.
Work at Home for year 1 and 2
- Log into My Maths. Your class teacher will have set you tailored work linked to your current or previous learning.
- Children will have specific word lists to learn that class teachers will share via StudyBugs.
- Read at home at least 3 times each week and get your planner signed.
- We encourage all children to read as much as they possibly can, this includes sharing a book at bedtime. Children will bring home a reading book linked to their phonics lessons. Please try to read at least 3 times each week.
- Pop a note in the planner to say that you have read, practised phonics and any additional home learning you and your children have completed.
Work at Home for year 3 to 6
- Log into My Maths. Your class teacher will have set you tailored work linked to your current or previous learning.
- Read at home at least 3 times each week
- We encourage all children to read as much as they possibly can, this includes sharing a book at bedtime. Children will bring home a reading book linked to their phonics lessons. Please try to read at least 3 times each week.
- Pop a note in the planner to say that you have read, practised phonics and any additional home learning you and your children have completed.
In addition, you could try some of these ideas:
- You can always read a few extra pages of your reading books or library books.
- Who is your favourite author? Can you write a book review to recommend a book to your class?
- Try to design a new cover for your book based on what you have read so far.
- Try to improve your times tables speed on TTRockstars.
- Download the 1 Minute Maths app from White Rose to practise your maths.
- Find more games on Maths Frame