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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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School uniform without the school logo can be purchased from most of the large chain stores.


School items with our logo can be purchased from three suppliers:




Preloved school uniform can be bought and sold from Grown Out of It.



Please note; Children are welcome to continue wearing uniform with our old logo too, we envisage transition to the new logo taking a few years. This will ensure that families get plenty of wear out of the uniform already purchased and it can be handed down through the school community. We understand that there is a great tradition of hand-me-downs and second-hand school uniform sales run by the Friends of St Nicholas so we do anticipate that children will continue to wear uniform with both the new and the old logo.




Our school uniform 


Our children wear their uniform with pride, promoting equality and a sense of community.  We ask that everyone; children, parents and carers help to ensure that the school dress code is observed. 


Children need to wear a white polo shirt, navy cardigan or sweatshirt, grey skirt/trousers/shorts.  


During the summer term blue and white gingham dresses can be worn. Children may also wear a plain black/navy cap and sunglasses. 


Footwear; Black, smart shoes with flat soles. No boots or sandals please. Socks and tights can be navy, black, grey or white. 


Please label all items of uniform and belongings clearly to enable lost property to be returned. 


We expect hair styles to be smart and not extreme; no bleached, dyed or short shaved hair styles, with no patterns/lines shaved in. Hair that is longer than shoulder length should be worn up, any hair accessories need to be small, navy/black. 


We ask that children do not wear temporary tattoos, nail varnish, make up or jewellery, safety studs can be worn for those with pierced ears, for sport /PE/swimming these need to be removed. If this is not possible, please cover with micropore to ensure children’s safety. 


A watch may be worn to school, due to safeguarding we ask that ‘smart’ watches are not worn.  


REMINDER - children need to have a pair of wellies, waterproof coat and trousers in school all year round.

This will ensure that we can all access OPAL playtimes no matter the weather.




On the days that children have a swimming session they come to school dressed in their sports kit.

In a separate bag they need a plain swimming costume or lycra trunks and a towel.


PE and sports kit (PPA)


When children have PE and Sport (PPA) children need to come to school wearing their kit;


White t-shirt, dark blue or black jogging bottoms  or leggings (plain), dark blue or black shorts (plain), dark blue or black jumper/hoody and trainers.


Please note; no sport/brand logos on clothing


Forest school


On the day children have Forest school, Children come to school wearing their kit; dark, plain tracksuit bottoms and a plain long sleeved top with hoody if an extra layer is needed.


A hat, gloves and warm socks are recommended for colder days.