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St Nicholas' CofE Primary home page

St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Christian Distinctiveness

Collective Worship


Collective Worship at St Nicholas is truly welcoming, inclusive and invitational. We seek to meet the needs of all so that they may flourish on their own personal journey of spirituality, faith and belief. Collective worship links to all of our values (Christian and British), it fosters a sense of community and is a way to express our Christian Vision. 


Children take part in daily Collective Worship, whether this is as a whole school, with their key stage or in class. The rhythm of daily worship invites children to enter a space for reflection and spiritual development. 

Leading Lights


Our Leading Lights Support Collective worship. They are Christian role models that guide their peers with worship reflections and with living out our Christian values day to day. 

Prayer Life


Prayer is an important part of daily life at St Nicholas.

We have dedicated prayer spaces around the school that provide opportunity for an encounter with God. Our prayer spaces invite you to be drawn into prayer and stillness though your senses. They are places for discovery, for private reflection, intention and thanksgiving.

St Nicholas' Church


We have strong links with St Nicholas Church where we visit regularly. The minister team at St Nicholas are very much a part of our school community. They support us to develop spirituality across the school through Collective Worship, supporting our prayer spaces and enhancing the Christian elements of our RE curriculum.


What our Children Say about St Nicholas Church:


"We go to church to show we love God. We learn about how God cares about us, and how we can care about God."