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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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At St Nicholas C of E Primary School we have been using Thrive-Online to profile children in their class. The results help us to plan our social and emotional curriculum ensuring that we support all children with their ‘right time’ stage of development.


Our Vision and Aims of using Thrive

We aim to develop children emotionally so they are able to recognise and distinguish their emotions and learn ways of responding to their feelings appropriately.

We aim to:

  • Provide alternative support for children who are experiencing emotional, social or behavioural difficulties.

  • Provide a safe and calm environment for children to develop their skills.

  • Enable children to take pride in their achievements and enhance self-esteem.

  • Help children to manage their feelings and develop skills to enjoy and participate in school life.

  • Use positive approaches to manage all behaviours.


What is Thrive?

Thrive is a dynamic, developmental approach to working with children and young people that helps teachers and adults to interpret behaviour and address children’s needs. Thrive is a specialist intervention programme which supports children with their emotional health, well-being and social skills; all of which are needed for learning to take place. Thrive is based on up to date brain science and research into child development and helps all the staff in our school to adapt their approach to individual children to build self-esteem, well-being and positive behaviour.


For us this means that we have Thrive embedded within our whole school ethos, we passionately believe in and deliver a creative curriculum which builds children's social and emotional resilience.


The Thrive Approach offers practical, effective tools and techniques that work, built around a web-based assessment and action planning tool, underpinned by a programme of training and mentoring support.


The process is designed as a progressive spiral, starting with assessment. Informed by the developmental model, we use relational, play-and arts-based activities in one-to-one sessions, in small group sessions, or in class as lessons progress.


What are the principles of Thrive?

There are four guiding principles of the Thrive Approach:

  • Every child is a unique person, constantly developing and learning in different ways and at different rates, each with his/her own abilities, talents and potential to be fulfilled.
  • Children’s healthy development, emotional well-being and learning are crucially dependent upon, and promoted through, positive relationships.
  • Children flourish when they are confident, self-assured, capable and resilient.
  • Children thrive in enabling environments, in which their individual development, learning experiences and needs are understood, responded to and supported through strong partnerships with parents/carers.


  With the support of Thrive training and Thrive-Online, adults learn how to help children and young people to:

  • feel good about themselves
  • know that they matter
  • become more resilient and resourceful
  • have a positive place in society
  • form trusting, rewarding relationships
  • be creative
  • be compassionate and empathetic
  • be thoughtful and self-aware
  • be productive
  • be able to overcome difficulties and setbacks


At times we use Thrive approaches with individual children whilst on other occasions the approaches are tailored to meet the needs of whole classes. The emphasis is on providing positive, descriptive feedback to children.  Activities are based on the arts and unleashing children's creative talents.  We use puppets, sandpits, feathers, mirrors, sensory blocks and raw materials that enable children to creatively express their thoughts, emotions and sensations.  Adopting a helpful attitude is key to successes. By working in this extremely focused way with individual children we can really make a difference to their social and emotional resilience.


Why might my child attend Thrive sessions?

Many children experience difficulties during their time in school. These may include:

  • Difficulties with friendships.
  • Finding it hard to transition and/or settle in the classroom.
  • Finding it difficult to manage their strong feelings.
  • Not knowing who to turn to when feelings are too big to manage on their own.


These situations can lead to many different feelings which may seem overwhelming at times. They might include: anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness, confusion or anxiety. All these feelings are very normal and happen to a lot of children. The Thrive sessions are to help children learn to manage their feelings and teach them strategies that will help promote their learning at school.


What will happen in a Thrive session?

The sessions may be individual or part of a small group


During each session there will be an activity tailored to an individual profile, which may include:

  • Story telling
  • Circle games
  • Arts and crafts
  • Sand play
  • Movement and relaxation
  • Hand and foot massage
  • Cooking and preparing food
  • Role play and puppet work
  • Games


For more information visit the Thrive website