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School council

Welcome to St Nicholas School Council

What is a school council?

A school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them. At St Nicholas the school council represents the views of all of our pupils. Our school values pupil voice and we believe all of our children have the right to share their thoughts and feelings about their school life and learning environment. Our school council team meet once a month to share ideas from their class, to help make improvements to the school and the way we do things at St Nicholas.


Who are the School Councillors?

At the beginning of every academic year, children will be given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a member of our School Council. Children from Year 1 to Year 6, who would like to be a representative, are given the opportunity to stand up and share their reasons for why they would like to be a representative and why they would be the best person for the job. Each class will then make their vote and the School Council for the year ahead is formed!


Congratulations to all the children who make up St Nicholas School Council for this academic year:





Our teacher representative Mrs Druce is very proud to lead the school council at St Nicholas. We have a fantastic group of children who are very keen to share their ideas and help to make our school a wonderful place to learn.


Our school Council aims:


  • To make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all of our children
  • To work together as a team to ensure we can be the best school possible by discussing ideas and making decisions.
  • To make sure children have a place to voice their concerns, opinions, and thoughts
  • To ensure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon.
  • To organise charity days and fun activities for the school.


What have our school councillors achieved?

In recent years our school council team have:

  • Helped to organise ‘non- school uniform’ and ‘break the rules’ days to raise money for selected charities.
  • Suggested improvements to our new school uniform.
  • Helped with electricity saving ideas and created posters for the school.
  • Suggested further improvements to our new OPAL playtimes and introduced new resources.
  • Voted for our core school values.
  • Discussed ways in which we can keep safe in school, including the importance of internet safety

Our School Councillor’s views about their role ….


“I wanted to be a school councillor so I could support my class and be responsible” (Maya, Year 5)


“It makes me feel happy to help my friends” (Cara, Year 2)


“I wanted to help make our school a better place” (Ellie, Year 6)


“I enjoy being a messenger for my class, sharing everyone’s ideas and helping to improve our school” (Ida, Year 3)


“I chose to be a school councillor so I could share important messages with my class” (Maddie, Year 4)


“I enjoy talking about important topics like keeping safe in school and how we can make our playtimes even more fun (Teddy, Year 3)


“I wanted to share my ideas about our school and make it a fun place to learn”

(Harvey, Year 1)