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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Year 6

Meet the Team


  • Miss. Griffiths teaches in 6G   
  • Mrs. Adams teaches in 6A
  • Mrs Badger is Year 6's Teaching assistant in the mornings

Introduction to Year Six


In Year 6, children have the opportunity to increase their independence, resilience and growth mindset as they become secondary ready. SATs take place in May, which are the statutory national assessments for all Year 6 pupils. 


Our main Year 6 topics include:


  • World War 2, Our Local Area, Ancient Greece & Earthquakes
  • Classification, Light, Electricity, Evolution & Inheritance, Animals including Humans and Investigative skills
  • When The Sky Falls, Floodland, Clockwork, Greek Myths & Road's End


We enjoy a Bell Boating day on the River Avon with ex-Olympian Andy Train. In addition, we go on a three day residential trip to a PGL centre, to develop our team work and perseverance, whilst having a wonderful time!



Take a look at our PGL 2024 adventures (click images below for video)

Year 6 had a great time bell-boating in the Autumn term!

Summer 1 Timetable





Mymaths set and planner check - 3x signatures for reading 

House points collected


6G and 6A - Sport and Music (Wear sports kit) 




PE (Wear PE Kit)


Summer 2 Timetable



PE (Wear PE Kit)


Mymaths set and planner check - 3x signatures for reading 

House points collected


6A  - Forest School (Wear sports kit. Wellies and waterproofs should be in school for Opal play)

6G - Swimming and Spanish (Wear sports kit and bring swimming kit)




PE (Wear PE Kit)


For more information about the different kits the children need please see our Uniform page.