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St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Dream big, shine bright

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Religious Education


At St Nicholas C of E Primary School, the Religious Education curriculum is underpinned by our school vision: Dream Big Shine Bright. Our vision is rooted in the Bible, “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16.

We develop learners that feel inspired and motivated to ‘shine bright’ in the world by making positive contributions to their immediate, local and global community.


The RE syllabus is a spiral curriculum established on a foundation of seven core concepts and makes use of enquiry questions that drive learning in each unit. Our aim is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry using a religion and worldviews approach to answer significant human questions. We develop the disciplinary skills of theology, philosophy and social sciences.  Children have the opportunity to respond creatively and in a range of ways to the key questions posed and the big ideas explored. All year groups learn about Christianity as well as a range of other world faiths and non-religious worldviews while recognising that everyone has their own unique worldview. 


Our Religious Education develops respectful and reflective learners. We recognise and celebrate the role RE plays in nurturing Christian and British values in our children and staff. Pupils will know about and understand Christianity as a living world faith- exploring core theological concepts and engaging with biblical texts. Our children engage in discussion about religion and worldviews with a maturity and respect that we are proud of.


What our children say about Religious Education:

"RE helps you to understand what other people think," Ida Y4


"I like learning about worldviews as it is interesting to find out what others believe" Kathleen Yr6


"I really like RE because you can choose to draw and write. If you struggle with writing then you can draw, or it could be the other way around." Iris Yr5


"It is fun to learn about creation and about Jesus' disciples." Oscar Yr6


"The story of Jesus, how he was crucified and rose again, I like how it all ends. It makes me feel happy." Felix Yr3



What does RE look like At St Nicholas Primary School?

Salvation Day